Saturday, March 26, 2011

New Choral Work

Lots of big doin's around the Bishop Studio of late.  Lots of not-so-pleasant personal stuff that has led to a small outpouring of really good, emotional music!  When life gives you lemons, write a piece about lemonade, right?

This new choral piece will be submitted to another choral composition contest so keep your fingers, toes and noses crossed for me.

Not much else to say until I'm able to say it, so until then, stay safe out there!

Trying harder to be a little better every day,


Sunday, March 6, 2011

New Piece over at YouTube

I have a new piece up on the Jeffrey S. Bishop YouTube Channel.  It's an SATB a cappella work based on an original poem.  I want to thank the Shawnee Mission Northwest High School Chamber Singers for their work in preparing this work.  And it turned out to be a bigger undertaking than we originally planned....

I wrote the original version of this work around a poem by former US Poet Laureate Billy Collins. But, after several attempts to contact Mr. Collins via his agents, his publisher, and a PR firm, I gave up and wrote a poem that had a similar rhyme scheme (or at least similar syllabic form).

So, although I'm no poet laureate, the music is still very much fitting for the melancholy of the piece itself.  I'm writing more and more choral work lately. And I'm loving it more and more, too!  In fact, I'm enjoying it so much I've decided to audition for a local choir.  I've not sung since college (well, at least outside of the shower, sitting in traffic, or under duress), so I'm taking lessons to get ready for my audition at the end of the month.

So, wish me luck!  And surf on over to YouTube and check out the new piece.

