Thursday, January 12, 2012

String Flingin'

Well, all-state auditions are done, so that only means one thing: String Fling weekend is upon us!

I'm looking forward to heading west to Kansas State University to conduct the 8/9th grade orchestra at the 39th Annual "String Fling."  It's a two-day event featuring students from across Kansas.  It's a lot of fun, with lots of non-orchestra events planned for the kids (nothing like going swimming during the coldest months of the year in an indoor heated pool)!

Exciting, too, is the fact that I'll be starting my Ph.D. work at Kansas State this year!  I'm really looking forward to getting back in the classroom and getting my doctorate completed.  It's been way too long since I've done research and serious academic pursuits, so I'm excited to get going.

So, for all you Wildcat fans out there: EMAW!

And, until next time, stay warm out there!

