Friday, November 19, 2010

Betsy's Home!

Got my viola back from the shop today!  So, even though she's only worth a fraction of the Beckmann viola I was playing earlier this week, it's still great to have Betsy home!  She sounds great and the new chin rest is MUCH more comfortable, especially for the amount of time I've been putting in lately.  I think I've practiced more this week than I have since college! Wow!

And that's funny. I get just as much of an adrenaline high from practicing as I do exercising (too bad it doesn't burn as many calories), and there's something remarkable about getting lost in a piece, even if it's just an etude or technical exercise.  Music touches us in ways no other thing can, and I guess that's why those of us who make a living at it can't live without it.

So, welcome Betsy home with me:

The Viola Known as Betsy

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to practice just a little more.....
